submitted by Pam Walker
Meeting Location: The Garden Center Grace Barnes room

Business Meeting:
We voted to purchase gardening gloves to be used as gifts for the April 2025 NM State Gardening Convention which will be held in Albuquerque.
Pam Perez gave us an update on the upcoming Halloween Glow ‘n’ Stroll. Petal Pushers are responsible for decorating the section of the north garden near the flagpole and our theme is spiders. Pam passed around a signup sheet for work shifts set up on Friday, the event on Saturday, and cleanup on Sunday.
October 11 was autumn workday at the garden center. There were about 30 people who showed up to work in all areas of the gardens. Afterwards, we had grilled hotdogs on the back patio as our reward!
October 16 was a day to make Linus blankets at Pam Perez’s house, but no one showed up except for Ginny. Please RSVP to the host or organizer for future events.
We spent the rest of the meeting in the prep room cutting our jack-o-lanterns. There were lots of cute ideas and lots of messy seeds. Pam Perez took them home and will bring them to the event Saturday.
Refreshments were provided by Carol Stomp and Shirley Bray.
December 12 will be the annual volunteer luncheon. If you volunteered for anything at the garden center, you’re invited. More details to follow in November.
Next Meeting:
November 19, 2024 – The topic will be “Reducing Food Waste from the Garden” by Amber Benson, NM State University