submitted by Pam Walker
Meeting Location: The Garden Center Grace Barnes room

Speaker: Marianne Bettinger “Paper Flowers”
Joan Karrie introduced Marianne since they are friends. We brought our own scissors and wire cutters and quickly got started making two types of crepe paper flowers. Joan had typed up the instructions clearly and each pair of ladies used similar materials to make similar flowers. It was fun and something different for our club.
Business Meeting:
We received certificates for our donations to Penny Pines. $50 is the usual donation, but that will be changing, along with the fact that we can no longer request where we’d like our donated trees to be planted. More information to come.
We received a thank you note from Barrett House for our donations during the holidays.
Linda Rasley delivered five blankets to Project Linus. In February, we will get a refresher on how to make these so we can make them at home.
The “Square” credit card reader is almost operational. We met with the banker who walked us through the final steps. There will be two small (a few cents) transfers between the Square account and the bank to verify that the link between the two is working. We will be using the “Square” for our sales at the upcoming rummage and spring plant sales since most people will buy more if they can use their credit card.
Susan Head discussed the February rummage sale and the concession stand we will be operating. Petal Pushers will not be selling any hot or cold foods, so that simplifies the operation. Please bake some goodies to sell, take a photo of your recipe and ingredient packages, and email them to Susan so she can create the food safety information sheets we’ll have available for the public. Susan passed around a sign-up sheet for the rummage sale with 2- and 4-hour work shifts available. If you didn’t sign up, please call Susan and volunteer for a time slot. This is a major fundraiser for Petal Pushers and we need “all hands on deck.”
The new Garden Center grounds coordinator is asking all clubs to commit to working on their gardens. Once it gets warmer, Petal Pushers will work in the courtyard one Monday per month @ 9:30.
April 14 and 15, 2025 is NM State Garden Convention in ABQ. These are always fun. Mark your calendar.
April 17 and 18 is the South-Central Region of National Garden Clubs convention in ABQ. This is a rare treat to host them here, and our own Christine Longthorp will be installed as the new director. There will be a fashion show with clothes from the Assistance League of ABQ thrift store. That will be interesting!
April 25 and 26 is the spring plant sale. We’ll be selling plants from a commercial grower and our cute cups and small containers with plants in them.
May 27 is our field trip to Santa Fe Randall Davey Audubon Center.
If you’re interested in organizing Petal Pusher’s participation the October Glow ‘n’ Stroll, please contact our Pam Perez as planning meetings have begun.
Next meeting: February 25, 2025 at 9:30 a.m. Garden Center.
Guest speaker Dierdre Kann, Retired weather service, “Snow and Ice”.