Dahlias of Yesterday and Today

Best of Show Dahlia Kelsey Annie Joy by Edith Iwan
Best AA Dahlia KA’s Khaleese by Diane Kolb
Best A Dahlia Holly Hill Red Funhouse by Edith Iwan
Best B Dahlia Cafe Au Lait by Kelly Barrows
Best BB Dahlia Clearview Neta by Amy Matteucci
Best Miniature Dahlia Hurlin’s Carnival by Edith Iwan
Best Ball Dahlia Cornel by Howard McCall
Best Miniature Ball Dahlia Holly Hill Miss White by Dorothy Duff
Best Pompom Dahlia Ginger Willow by Edith Iwan
Best Stellar Dahlia River’s Crystal by Dorothy Duff
Best Waterlily Dahlia Sandia Nocturne by Diane Kolb
Best Novelty Double Dahlia Valley Porcupine by Diane Kolb
Best Peony Dahlia Lake Hills Creamsicle by Edith Iwan
Best Anemone Dahlia Sandia Brocade by Edith Iwan
Best Novelty Open Dahlia U2 Ania by Diane Kolb
Best Collarette Dahlia Kelsey Anne Joy by Edith Iwan
Best Orchid or Orchette Dahlia Rae Ann’s Gemini by Diane Kolb
Best Seedling Seedling-unnamed by Howard McCall
Best 3 of a kind Dahlias Western Spanish Dancer by Howard McCall
Best 5 of a kind Dahlias Blizzard by Kelly Barrows

Best of Show Design Class 3, Italy - features fresh dahlias by Debi Harrington
Class 1. Mexico – line mass 3rd place, yellow ribbon by Candy Scott
Class 2. Spain – incorporating water 1st place, blue ribbon by Julie Moss
2nd place, red ribbon by Sue Bond
3rd place, yellow ribbon by Trudie Meyes
Class 3. Italy – fresh dahlias 1st place, blue ribbon by Debi Harrington 2nd place, red ribbon by Sue Bond
Class 4. England – 1 single dahlia 1st place, blue ribbon by Trudie Meyes
2nd place, red ribbon by Maureen Carson
3rd place, yellow ribbon by Julie Moss
Class 5. Germany – parallel design 1st place, blue ribbon by Julie Moss
2nd place, red ribbon by Sue Bond
Class 6. France – line using dahlias 2nd place, red ribbon by Diane Kolb
3rd place, yellow ribbon by Candy Scott

People’s Choice for Best Dahlia Ketchup & Mustard by Howard McCall

People’s Choice for Best Floral Design France. Arrangement with water by Julie Moss

People’s Choice for Best Photography Dahlia with animal or bug (Praying Mantis) by Edith Iwan
People found out about the Dahlia Festival from: family & friends, State Fair Flower building, media: paper and internet, marque & garden club, previous visits to the dahlia show.