Born Nov. 16, 1920, died Dec. 3, 2015
John was one of the charter members of the New Mexico Dahlia Society (NMDS) and is fondly remembered as Albuquerque’s “Mr. Dahlia”. John grew dahlias throughout most of his life. During his prime, he exhibited dahlias in nearly all available shows. His results, winning most of the awards were a tribute to his expertise in growing and exhibiting his flowers. John mentored numerous dahlia growers including several current members of our chapter. He was a lifetime member of the American Dahlia Society and contributed to that organization supporting dahlia culture and the identification/control of dahlia viruses.
The Albuquerque Garden Center has a section of the gardens kept up by the NMDS with a bench and plaque dedicated by John’s family. If you go out the north door of the large meeting room you will see the dahlia beds and the bench. Look closely at the bench. You will see the plaque has etched into wood several dahlias. Thanks to the work of Jerry Wenk, volunteer and wood worker, it has been refinished and ready to be enjoyed. Thank him when you see him around.
Edith Iwan, President New Mexico Dahlia Society
