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Ikebana - Heritage Day Event

Ikebana Albuquerque Chapter 41 displayed Japanese floral arrangements for the Asian American and Pacific islanders Heritage Day Festival held at the National Museum of Nuclear Science on Saturday May 4th 2024, 10 AM - 3 PM.  Attendees at the event heard the beat of Taiko drums, witnessed the beauty and grace of Asian dancers, made origami, and viewed Japanese floral arrangements provided by the Ikebana Albuquerque Chapter 41. This is a yearly event that the Ikebana Chapter 41 is invited to participate in.

At the Main Table of the Heritage Event were displayed three Japanese floral arrangements created by Nance Bouchier on the left,  miniatures by Agnes Franzak in the middle and an arrangement on the right by Tiffany Nakagawa. We also provided 14 Japanese arrangements designed by Ikebana members that were placed throughout the museum for visitors to enjoy.

The seven members who participated were:  Jane Cole, Tiffany Nakagawa, Liz Caldwell, Nance Bouchier, Julie Bencoe, Agnes Franzak and Deborah Shupyrt.

Below are pictures of some of their beautiful and unusual floral arrangements. 

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2024년 5월 08일
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so much fun! thank you

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