Garden Resources
Master Gardener Hotline
General Questions
-gardens, plants & more
The Master Gardener Hotline is a volunteer outreach that is free to the public. It provides scientific and researched information to educate and enhance gardening experiences. All your questions and concerns will be addressed by Veteran Master Gardens using New Mexico State University resources and reliable experts.
The public can contact the hotline by calling 505-243-1386, by filling out their online form or by visiting the Cooperative Extension Office (1510 Menaul Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107). They are open Monday through Friday from 9-12 & 12:30-3:30.
They accept plant and insect samples for identification, make referrals for Home Visits, and distribute printed information.
Please note: They are not available for yard work, cannot recommend specific chemical products or specific companies for any service and cannot answer any questions related to cannabis.
Water AuthorityÂ
Xeriscaping, How to Water &
County Water Rebates
The 505 Outside website by the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority is an endless resource for New Mexico planting, watering, trees and much more. Here is just a very small list of their most popular resources.
Xeriscape Guide - This is the ever popular How-To Guide that disappears here at the Garden Center as soon as we get them. Get the digital pdf guide and learn more about How To Xeriscape.
New Irrigation Efficiency Guide: Beautiful Landscapes with Less Water - This guide is brand new and in very limited print supply. Get the digital pdf guide.
Did you know that there are many rebates both residential and commercial that are offered for things such as rainwater harvesting, treebates, xericscape conversation and more.
Their site is also where you would learn about current county watering restrictions and ask an expert your H2O questions.
Is it safe for Fluffy & Fido?
What would any garden resource be without looking out for our beloved furry friends? With so many plants and major difference between canines and felines it is hard to keep thing straight.
Thankfully, the ASPCA has a searchable database, printable list and even a poison control hotline (888-426-4435).
Home Depot Recycling
Recycle Plastic Plant Pots
Most commercial plants come in plastic containers, which can be a hassle to recycle. They’re dirty, big and can often pile up in backyards and garages. Don’t toss them in the garbage where they’ll end up in a landfill. Bring them to The Home Depot for recycling, instead.
In 2009, The Home Depot started a recycling program in partnership with East Jordan Plastics to collect and reuse plastic pots from any garden center. East Jordan Plastics reuses and recycles the plastic pots that hold flowers, plants, bushes and trees to produce 100% recyclable plant trays and containers for greenhouses, nurseries and garden centers.
Here’s what you need to know:
Look for the black recycle sign with the green plant in your local Home Depot garden center.
Place your pots on the rack. They’ll do the rest.
The Home Depot will accept any plastic garden container in their garden centers.
The Impact of Recycling
Recycled plastic containers can recover upwards of 60% of the energy tied to initial product processing and divert unnecessary waste from landfills. Over 16 million pounds of used plastic containers are recycled by East Jordan Plastics.