The Garden Shop
Your ultimate source for
unique garden-themed gifts
Welcome to Albuquerque Garden Center, your one-stop shop for all your gardening needs! Our website offers convenient online shopping with in-store pickup and local delivery options.
Keep a look out as new items are being added every day.
Store Open Mon-Fri, 9:30 am to 2:30 pm and weekends during certain events, shows & sales
Stop by and check out all the great gardening supplies we offer. We also have an outstanding selection of tee shirts and hats. One of our aprons is a fun way to make your summer cooking more festive. Remember, every purchase supports our mission as your Albuquerque non-profit gardening resource.
A clever sign for your back yard and a great hummingbird feeder (Best-1) to keep the hummers happy.
Fertilize your roses with Mills Magic, recommended by Rosarians. Read the Rose Rustlers, this is a fabulous read on how a group of dedicated Rosarians has corralled old roses from cemeteries and other unusual places so that you can enjoy the fragrance and blossoms of plants your grandmother would have loved.
Critical reading for vegetable care and Osmocote (15-9-12 and 14-14-14) to keep your roots and shoots happy.